Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Kid With a Bike

How can you miss with a French film about a boy with a bicycle? The answer is: you cannot. Director Jean-Luc Dardenne and co-creator Luc Dardenne filmed a minimalist script with a heart wrenching core and come out with a tight, terrific film that moves quickly, makes its points, shows you its story and ends on a high note. Mostly well acted by Cecille de France and young Thomas Doret, you will quickly be drawn in by exactly what the dialogue relates. You only have to deal with the emotional fallout as it happens. A young boy is rejected and clings to the first people that take him in, shown to us in moving juxtaposition. This film could never be adapted for an American version. That could not happen in this universe. Go see this for the story. Go see a caring side to France. Go see a story about a young boy and his bike. It is well worth your time. It will renew your faith in the ability of cinema to tell a story.