Saturday, January 24, 2009

Revolutionary Road

When Kate Winslet brought Revolutionary Road, the novel and screen play adaption to her husband, Sam Mendes, she was doing him a favor. This quiet story of a simple couple in the fifties needs the subtle direction of Mendes and deceptively strong intensity of Winslet's performance. The combined themes of "who am I?" and "what could I become?" cause any viewer open to such philosophical questions reflection during and after the film
It all starts with a couple getting together and starting their married life in the suburbs. Domesticity in the fifties combined with the emergence of Marketing as a profession suggests a potential boring film, but add a realistic social life, throw in a couple of extra-marital flings and now your talking about a film that will grab your attention
Leonardo DiCaprio is consistent in a standard performance and will be well received by his fans as an example of why he should be taken as a serious actor. The supporting cast is simultaneously strong and subtle as evidenced by Michael Givins in his role of the next door neighbor.
Don't be over-influence by the socially controversial climax. We all have important decisions to make in our lives, and must live with consequences as well.